
Showing posts from February, 2019

Blog v Wiki

"Social software is an emerging IT category currently being applied to a range of application and platform types or genres designed to facilitate personal interactions over computer networks. Blogs and wikis are types of social software". (John K. Waters) I agree with John. Blogs and wikis exist in our daily lives -- Wikipedia is an information base for people to conduct research; most companies are running their website to operate the business. We approach either of them more or less every day. "The key distinction between Wiki and blog is who is able to edit the content". (Difference between Blog and Wiki) Technically, everyone is allowed to edit the content in Wiki unless it's protected. Blog only allows one user to edit the article. The content is also different. The content in blog is usually sharing about the author's opinion. Wiki is about spreading or sharing knowledge. And blog usually links to outside websites, such as news, blogs, documents and ...

Project Description (Youtube: Is it a real job?)

First of all, I will search for what a youtuber do daily. People should be interested about youtubers' job and how do they earn money. Secondly, I will conduct research to compare a youtuber and a graduate student's income. To most people, salary is an important factor in one job. And there is a trend --  more and more students choose to be youtuber when they graduate school. Therefore, this research is necessary to demonstrate some problems. Last but not least, I will collect people's opinions about youtuber. There must be someone likes it and someone hates it. I want to know their reasons. Both of their opinions are fairly important for me to analyze the topic. This is the project proposal for now and I will keep updating it if I have a new approach.