
Showing posts from April, 2019

Next New

        We often see or use projector in our daily lives, for example, a professor uses a projector in the lecture. Projector only can display content on the board or in a two-dimensional way. In the future, I hope projector can display an object in a three-dimensional way. I mean a real three-dimensional way. So people don’t need to wear a specific glass to watch the object like they do in the theater when they watch a 3D movie. When a math professor talks about a cubic by using the three-dimensional projector, students can actually see each side of the cubic. This technology can apply to various areas. In the hospital, if a doctor can actually see the patient’s organism which is needed to receive treatment, he will be able to give a correct solution easily. When it comes to video communication, people no longer need to watch other people through the screen. They even can walk in each other’s room during the video call. This new media might not be very useful, but I believe it can b

Wiki So Far

               In our class wiki, I have added some contents and edit some pages. In the gaming page, I add content under the First-Person Shooter section. It’s APEX Legends. I introduce its game mode and market reaction to it. In the Twitch TV page, I add content about Shroud under the Twitch Streamers section. I introduce his career and channel. In the Photography page, I introduce the iPhone XS camera under the section of cellphone and smartphone cameras. I briefly discuss the camera from hardware and software angles. And plus, I edit some contents in the above pages. For example, I edit the content of Call of Duty and Overwatch on the gaming page. In the rest of the time, I will keep looking for the topic in which I am interested. And I will conduct research to add new and interesting content to expand the topic.


               File sharing is the access to digital media, such as music, video, ebook, computer program, game and more. Peer-to-Peer means computer systems are connected to each other via the internet. So, Peer-to-Peer file sharing allows users to share files directly between computer systems. They don’t need to do the transition via a central server. One user can search for files on other users’ computers, and so do other users. Peer-to-Peer is used in various aspects. Microsoft uses the Peer-to-Peer machine to spread update file to all computers which use the window system. It saves the user’s internet bandwidth and time. Peer-to-Peer is also used in the financial industry. Google invests $125 million in the Lending Club to get borrowers and lenders outside of the conventional banking system. “It is a direct funding process between the investors and the borrowers.” (npr) It helps borrowers to get rid of all time-consuming steps in traditional loaning process and receive a stable


        The new media provides us with a lot of conveniences in our daily lives. The smartphone is powerful to help us do a lot of things, such as taking photo, recording video, playing game, reading book and so on. We can go online shopping and pay by our credit card easily instead of spending time on going to the real store. GPS application can lead us to the destination. Social media can help us build a connection with people and the world. But, when we get and enjoy convenience, we must lose something. Apparently, we trade our privacy to convenience. What is privacy? It’s our right to be alone. We have the right to control our identification information from unauthorized commercial use. However, we are forced to give up the right in some time. When we purchase online, if we don’t want to enter our payment information every time, we have to agree with the browser to store it. Then we can just click a button twice to get the information typed. But, our information is stored in the br


        First of all, I need to understand what the purpose of using the new media is. I want to ensure the new media is used in an appropriate place. For example, I hope student to make an appointment on the school website instead of by telephone. I don’t want the new media’s function doesn’t fit the student’s purpose. The new media should be able to make school operation efficient. Secondly, we need to keep the new media in good condition. Convenience is the new media’s significant feature. It’s the main reason why most people rely on it. Take register course as an instance. If the cunyfirst system is crushed because lack of maintenance on the enrollment day, it will affect a lot of students. If the new media is down in a high frequency, it will bring inconvenience to the student instead of convenience. Last but not least, we should try to build up a community with student in new media. We need to make student engage in school improvement, for example, we can collect students' op