Blog Social networking

Social networking is part of people's daily lives. Most people are familiar with not only the big name in social networking but also the various social networking sites. "Some social networking sites are popular across a broad global audience, and some appeal to smaller niche audiences or specific regions of the world." (Susan Gunelius) People use it to follow the global trend, exchange interesting things, connect with people and more. And some companies take advantage of social networking to promote their business.

Take Airbnb as an instance. Airbnb is almost the first company realizes that impactful social networking plays a crucial role in consumer perception and intention to purchase. "Airbnb features host and guest stories on almost every digital channel available." (Laura Busche) It produces interview videos and uploads them to Youtube, designs short stories and shares them on Instagram, and even maintain a blog. Because of this brand strategy, Airbnb builds up an outstanding reputation in the hospitality industry. The blog social networking revolutionizes the way people send and receive information. It is capable of delivering information with more details than before. People can receive information whenever they want and wherever they are.

A lot of people have more than one account on social networking. Accounts connect with each other. It means the user's personal information is shared across different social networking sites. It increases the risk of personal privacy being exposed. Last year, Facebook said at least 50 million users’ data were confirmed at risk after attackers exploited a vulnerability that allowed them access to personal data, including co-founder Mark Zuckerberg and chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg. Each coin has two sides. On one side, blog social networking gives people the convenience to share information. On the other side, it produces the risk of leaking information.

In the future, I believe the blog social networking will play a more and more important role in the world. However, there is still a long pathway in front of people to learn how to make the best use of its power.


Susan Gunelius, "Social Networking Sites to Promote Your Blog", LifeWire, January 5, 2019
Laura Busche, "7 Magical Branding Lessons from Airbnb", December 11, 2017


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